Integrated BoP Services

At Axess Group, our integrated approach to Balance of Plant (BoP) combines several inspection and maintenance services for both topside and subsea to gain powerful synergies.
With over two decades of experience in inspection and maintenance in the global energy industry, we have a strong focus on ensuring safe and reliable operations.

We utilise Axess Digital’s software solution, Bridge, as part of the inspection process, which ensures that inspections are conducted more efficiently, in accordance with an inspection programme. The inspection data collected is of consistent high quality and thus suitable for analysis across assets and over time. The system also helps park owners manage compliance of all their equipment, providing overview and transparency for statutory authorities and other stakeholders.

What we offer

We tailor our BoP service package to our client’s O&M strategy, WTG service suppliers and SOV sailing schedule to maximise operational synergies. The service packages include, but are not limited to:

Packaging these services and tailoring team compositions allow us to increase efficiency while reducing vessel days, personnel transfers and number of contractual interfaces.

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