Static Pressurised Equipment Inspection

Prevent pressurised equipment failure through our bespoke inspection strategies
At Axess Group, we perform inspection of pressurised systems to obtain valuable data for maintenance planning and to verify the safety of our clients’ static pressurised equipment and ensuring their lifespan.
As a world-leading provider of inspection services, we help our clients effectively assess the risks associated with static pressurised equipment, through systematic inspection, well-documented results and by providing visualisation of the degradation. We provide them with suggested actions to reduce the risk.

Our entire inspection process is carried out by certified, multi-skilled and experienced personnel to ensure proper execution of inspection methods and optimise resources and mobilisation. Combining our deep industry knowledge with cutting-edge software inspection tools, we equip our clients with the data they need to gain competitive advantage and achieve business goals.

Our static pressurised equipment inspection services include:

Inspection Execution

  • Efficient inspection with on-site competence to readily recommend adjustments according to inspection results
  • Performed by multi-skilled inspectors and NDT technicians within safe operating limits

Reporting and Documentation

  • Intuitive and results-oriented reports that present the technical condition status and recommendations to prevent equipment failure
  • Evaluation of data and finding with tailored recommendations for further action and integrity engineering or maintenance planning
  • Test point documentation based on pictures, piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID), isometric drawings and 3D models 

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Our major inspection categories are:

From implementing a comprehensive risk-based inspection program to managing compliance inspections, we provide our clients with cost-effective services that improve safety, proficiency and productivity.
Early detection is key in ensuring your assets are working at full capacity. We inspect equipment’s pipe systems, identify issues and address them in the earliest stages to reduce the risk of failure and cost of interruption in production. Aside from the thorough inspection of the equipment, we also take care of fabrication and installation of pipes to guarantee that they are done right and on time.
We provide our clients with shutdown and turnaround inspection and support to ensure integrity, safety and extend the life cycle of their equipment.
We design a comprehensive long-term inspection programme tailored to our clients’ needs, from determining suitable NDT inspection methods and assessing data to optimising asset performance, to meet their requirements.
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